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Towards Fairness–A multicultural Australia for all

The Multicultural Framework Review is a comprehensive assessment conducted by the Australian Government to evaluate and enhance its approach to multiculturalism. The review aims to ensure that Australia's multicultural policies and practices are effective, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of its diverse population.

To write its report, the Multicultural Framework Review Panel listened to Australian voices in schools, sports and service clubs, places of worship, the arts, culture and business.

To reach as many people as possible, the Panel published messages about the Multicultural Framework Review in 35 community languages and received 126 submissions – nearly a sixth of the total received – in languages other than English.

Among many important insights, the Review notes the vital role of education, English language learning and effective translation services to support all Australians to enjoy the benefits of this country.

Now, a summary of the Multicultural Framework Review report is also available in 33 languages, in addition to English.

Read the Review in your preferred language here.

​​​​​Towards Fairness - a multicultural Australia for all